Seven decades ago, the allied forces launched the world’s largest joint operation, eventually turning the tides of World War II.

Some of those lives lost hit close to home, and a piece of family history came home Friday, 06 June 2014.

A lost Purple Heart medal, given to PFC Joseph Jordan, a member of Easy Company, or also known as the Band of Brothers.

He made the ultimate sacrifice 70 years ago, parachuting into Normandy. He died trying to help a fellow wounded soldier.

“It’s brought a lot of memories back, almost too much,” says his sister, Pat Preacher.

For her, the Purple Heart is one way to remember her brother who was taken too soon.

“I was very young, I was only about third or fourth grade when he enlisted.”

This medal had a long journey, “It started with the veteran’s son. On his death bed, he bestowed that medal to a family friend who was a veteran. It got passed down a number of times. Before it got to me I was able to do some extensive research online and contact the family,” says Cpt. Zachariah Fike, founder of Purple Hearts Reunited.

“It symbolizes a solider who either shed his blood or gave his life,” says Fike, “we should raise them on a pedestal every day of our life.”

It brings Private Jordan’s spirit back to life.

“I’m glad that’s back with the family and I hope it stays with the family,” says Preacher.–262178741.html